
Workforce Development and Immigration featuring Brock Herzberg

Apr 27, 2022

Brock Herzberg is the Coordinator for the Colorado Business Coalition for Immigration Solutions (CBCIS) in their daily efforts to assist Colorado business to find workable solutions on immigration reform. He is also a Principal owner of Capitol Focus, LLC, a government affairs firm in Denver. A native from Akron, Colorado, Brock graduated from Colorado State University in 2000 with a Bachelors degree in Speech Communications with a minor in Political Science.  Brock received his Masters degree in Communications from Colorado State University in 2002.

On this week’s show Brock discusses how the workforce crisis of the last three years intersects with a perpetual discussion about immigration and the impacts on the business community. He shares the work of CBCIS and others in evolving the conversation and finding solutions that work for the largest amount of Coloradans.

Hosted by Colorado Business Roundtable President Debbie Brown.