
Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce featuring Kristen Blessman

May 4, 2020

Kristen Blessman serves as the President and CEO of the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce (CWCC).  As CEO of the CWCC, Blessman is responsible for executing the organization’s mission of advancing women in business.  Blessman was hired in 2017 to bring value to membership through innovation, brand awareness and long-term vision. Through the creation of a new leadership program, mentoring program and unique peer group programming, Blessman has overhauled programming and curriculum at the CWCC and brought a new value proposition to CWCC members and the community.  Additionally, Blessman is recreating the CWCC brand through new educational and inspiring events, enhanced digital and traditional media as well as extensive community outreach programs to create awareness and advocacy for women in the workplace.

On this week’s show Kristen discusses how she came to lead the CWCC, the mission of advancing women in business, the multitude of events put on by the organization, and the mentorship she has both received and provides in her business journey.

Hosted by Colorado Business Roundtable President Debbie Brown.