FSG, A Social Enterprise Organization




FSG is a global social enterprise organization.  Social enterprises are organizations that apply business methods to achieving philanthropic goals.  One benefit in social entrepreneurship is both the donor and receipt win.  Winning!  FSG is also a nonprofit consulting firm specializing in strategy, evaluation and research.  They work with companies to develop corporate social responsibility strategies.

John Kania is the managing director of FSG.  Kania’s expertise is in social entrepreneurship emphasizing in strategy, leadership and organizational development.  Kania’s expertise has resulted in him writing a book called, “Do More Than Give,” along with Leslie R. Crutchfield and Mark R. Kramer.  The book is inspired by the bestselling book, “Forces for Good.”  “Do More Than Give,” tells the six practices of donors who change the world.  Within the book new terms are defined such as catalytic philanthropy.  Catalytic philanthropy is empowering all involved and going beyond giving a financial donation.   As Kania is a consultant at heart he is available to work with all sizes of companies and can be reached by email at; [email protected].

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is engaging in and advocating for what is needed in a community.  When done properly a strategy is developed with FSG to determine a project where all involved benefit.  Any size business can develop a corporate social responsibility program by offering nonprofits services.  For example an IT company can offer nonprofits beta versions, and later fully developed software and in return the IT company receives the nonprofits user data from the beta version.

John Kania


The innovation in FSG’s social impact consulting firm starts with corporate social responsibility methods and how to apply best practices to be successful.  Collective impact is about moving beyond isolated impact and collaborating with several partners to create a scalable change.  Using a company’s expertise rather than only financial donations can make more of an impact.  Corporate social responsibility has developed into collaborating with businesses and other non-profits and using all types of company resources to benefit donors and recipients.

For more information on the book “Do More Than Give,” visit; www.domorethangive.com.

To contact FSG, Foundations Strategy Group, visit; www.fsg.org.

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Social Enterprise is a Blend of Business Acumen

Chris Pelley  

Chris Pelley is managing director of Capital Investment Management which embraces the Japanese proverb: “None of us are as smart as all of us.” In addition Pelley views social entrepreneurship as a meaningful endeavor.  Social enterprise is a blend of business acumen where more purpose equals more efficiency, more effectiveness and more sustainability.

The triple bottom line of company, children and charity increases profits.  Chris Pelley’s view on social enterprise derives from a unique source, his daughters.

Get Ready.

Becoming involved in social enterprise is simple and accessible.  Knowledge is key and available.  Ask youth about concerns in their lives to get a feel for what is going on or ask your alma mater about how becoming a social entrepreneur.  Also, reading “Encore,” by Marc Freedman and “Thanks,” by Robert Emmons will give insight, social awareness into becoming better human beings.

Get Set.

To experience life at a different level add a social entrepreneurship element to your business strategy.  Employees are the best PR there for bottom line results.  A way to do this is helping employees find what their next venture will be within the company’s social enterprise.


Association for Corporate Growth, ACG is about a community for small to medium companies.  The ACG promotes communication, community and collaboration with the academic, business and citizen sector.  Kim Jordon, from New Belgium which has 100 percent of the company’s energy coming from solar power will be a speaker at ACG’s December 6th, 2011 luncheon.  For more information, visit; www.acg.org.

More social enterprise opportunities can be found at the following websites:

  1. www.projectpave.org
  2. TiE is a global network with a commitment to changing the world, (www.tie.org).
  3. Colorado Gives Day- Tuesday, December 6th, 2011, (www.givingfirst.org). Website offers a chance to give to nonprofits.
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